

Man, I love amateur porn at H Clips aka Private Home Clips. It’s not always HD or 4k, but the fucking content is so much better than studio stuff. There is something about knowing that the slut sucking dick on the screen is real that gets me diamonds. These girls aren’t getting paid to take the cum shot, get fucked in the ass, or do any of the kinky shit they’re doing. And you know they are loving every single second of it. Especially if they’re the ones posting their videos online.

HClips.com aka PrivateHomeClips.com is a site dedicated to pumping out the very best amateur porn videos, galleries, and more. H Clips has only been around since 2015, but they have been going strong at nearly 62 million site views since they started. That’s a lot of traffic! But then again, amateur porn is fucking booming right now. The internet age has brought us at least one thing good, right? The future is now. Watch some horny MILF in Asia get gangbanged by her friends without leaving the comfort of your own house.

Standard Site Design Done Well

HClips aka PrivateHomeClips looks pretty standard as far as porn sites go. White background, lots of thumbnails, the whole nine yards. But the front page is organized pretty well. When you first visit the site, you see a long list of categories running down the left side of the screen with a large section showing off previews of the hottest porn videos in the United States. Not bad, it’s all framed well and balanced. You can always tell it’s an amateur site by the titles of the videos. We have gems here like “The obese sandwich cunt of my large nice-looking woman white lady screwed hard” and “Slut is pulling a big cock.” Absolute masterpieces of creativity. Couldn’t have said it better myself.The videos that are “hot” all seem to be 1-3 years old, so I would recommend scrolling down a bit to check out the recommended feed for more recent content. The previews themselves are crisp and actually animated! That’s right, no still images here. You get animated previews from parts of the video by simply hovering your cursor over the video. If only more sites did this. HClips, keep it up. Another good feature is the tab up in the very top right that lets you change your video preferences to straight, gay, or shemale. Toggling this will make all of the videos you search fall under that category.

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